South Afrcan King Marries a 19 year old girl as his 14th wife.(see photos)

Swazi King Mswati the third of South Africa has gotten himself another wife, this one is 19 year old damsel and will be his 14th wife and still counting, the King made this know to his people before traveling to US for the United Nations General assembly and it was believed that the new bride is in New York already. The new wife  Siphelele Mashwama who is from Swaziland and the daughter of a Swaziland cabinet minister Jabulile Mashwama. 

 Before the news was made official that the King will be taking a new wife the speculation has already been on air so when it was announced it did not really sound as a surprise to the nation. King Mswati has always condemned the act of divorce in the country saying it is against the Swazi tradition saying that once you are married that is the end no reverse, also he said that their is not word for divorce, he said...
“In our culture, once you marry someone, there is no turning back. There is no word for “divorce” in Siswati, the official language of Swaziland, the king added.
 The wives of the King are ;  Inkhosikati LaMatsebula, Inkhosikati LaMotsa, Inkhosikati LaMbikiza, Inkhosikati LaNgangaza, Inkosikati LaMagwaza (deserted), Inkhosikati LaHoala (deserted), Inkhosikati LaMasango, Inkhosikati LaGija (deserted), Inkhosikati Magongo, Inkhosikati LaMahlangu, Inkhosikati LaNtentesa, Inkhosikati LaNkambule, Inkhosikati Ladube and Inkhosikati LaFogiyane.

The king is said to have over 13 children and still counting, King Mswati is just 49 years of age and already has 14 wives that means that he can also pick another wife, especially during the dancing culture of the country were many maidens come out dance to the crowd, many of which are still with their virginity and off cause kings always pick new wife during this festive period, the dancing culture which is called  Umhlanga, is the time many young unmarried and childless females show off their assets to the kings, guests and offcause country people, many of them do such to get a husbands, the lucky ones mind end up being admired by kings.

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