See video of Thousands of African migrants invading the Spanish border and the security men could not even stop them.(see video only on dpaschal;s blog) In this video you will see how Africans are so aeger to live their own continent to the white man's land because of hardship, share to your friends, happy viewing.

The rate at which Africans travel to Europe in search of greener pastures is becoming more serious every day and Governments of these African countries don't seem to care after all non of their relatives can attempt such, today we bring this news and video Africans at the Spanish border and the black hustlers rushed in large numbers and the Spanish security can't even stop them because of their numbers you can see a security man who injured himself trying to stop a migrant, well Spaniards are not known to be wicked on like their Italian brothers. They might be deported after all because this is really illegal but that's not our wish.

This is really a hard risk to take but the black skin gees can do anything to survive even if it means death on the way they don't seem to care.

 This video shows how African are eager to live the continent because of the hardship that normal human can not bear.

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