The drama took place in Isheri Oshun, at the out sketch of Lagos where the police said, the armed robbers they arrested the previous day escaped from the roof of the Police station building, according to the Police the criminals went out through the ceiling, then the roof, and this happened at midnight where the Police officers on duty where far asleep while the robbers escaped without interruption.
Many Lagosians has condemned the police while some say the police are not saying the actual thing that happened to the robbers, but the Police has not made any different explanation concerning the escape of the robbers, the residents are really pathetic with the Police because, according to PM EXPRESS the suspected criminals where notorious armed robbers that has been terrorizing the area and where caught through the assistance of the residents, only for the Police to come out to tell the not smiling residents that the armed robbers has escaped, with a feri tale like story on how they escaped.
According to the Police, they said, that the next morning they discovered that the roof of the Police station has been damaged and the suspect gone, living an empty cell to the pity of the Police. The Police, led by the divisional Police officer CSP Conellius has moved into action, starting a manhunt on the criminals. So far they have arrested one Bashiru Rabiu, for his involvement on the cell break, he was charged before Issolo Magistrate court for willful damage and escape from lawful custody under the criminal code.
The suspect denied any involvement and pleaded not guilty.
The prosecutor, Mr Oje Uagbale asked the court to grant the suspect bail so he will come and face trial in the interest of Justice. The Magistrate granted Rabiu bail in the sum of N100,000 with two sureties in the like sum. He was remanded in prison pending on when he perfects his bail condition.
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