As we all know the Church is the house of God and a sacred place for the children of God.
It is meant for worship and not any thing contrary to that, because it Is boldly written, that when more than one person gather's in the name of the lord, HE, the almighty is in their mist and also God looks inward not outward.
All that the Church is designed for, has been miss defined by modern day churches.
It is now come as you are notion, God is concerned about your heart, not your out look, that means you can come to Church looking sexually facinating and the pastor does not fill bordered, well he would not want lose his members so blinks his eyes off such.
With all these defects in our churches, these pastors still claim that they were called by the holy spirit, well that can not be proved physically so what can one say.
The reason for these church atrocities is simple, pastors are after the their members not their souls, secondly they want to win more souls for their churches not for God, even when the Church looks like a party ground or a fashion center they fill comfortable.
that's what world wants.